Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holiday Season: Christmas Lights, Decorations And More

!±8± Holiday Season: Christmas Lights, Decorations And More

Holiday season is fast approaching. Soon many families will rush in shopping malls for Christmas decorations, colorful and beautiful lights, holiday accents, accessories, gifts for their loved ones, and food for the most waited occasion of the year. Many of us love to decorate the whole house with lights of dissimilar colors. Aside from the charm that they reflect, it also reminds us of the gigantic star which guided the three Kings towards the manger where the Savior lay sleeping.

Christmas is the season of joy, laughter, gift-giving, fun, excitement, and care for each person. What makes it more fun? The decoration that we put into the house makes it more fun. The spirit of Christmas can be felt whenever we see Christmas lights and lanterns all over the community. Aside from those decorations that can remind us of the holiday season, we can also hear beautiful and sharp Christmas songs and carols from children all over the place.

Holiday season makes us enlarge the faith to the Savior who died from the sins of mankind. We should treat each other as brothers and sisters so that we can feel the spirit of Christmas. Some families in the local area often give gifts to strangers, while the house provides food to those poor families. While others are too busy with grateful deeds, some members of the house are also in-charge of decorating the whole home. It is a blessing that there are Christmas light factory companies, who are highly trustworthy in decorating the areas of the home that cannot be unmistakably decorated.

Those Christmas light factory companies have all their considerable equipments to decorate even the rooftop or the tallest tree in the front yard. After their work, we can be surprised at how fantastic and beautiful the home could be. It seems that the whole home is full of angels especially if there are sharp Christmas songs.

Although those are merely fancy decorations, we should still remember and not forget that the Savior does not look into those fancy things rather he look into the hearts. He often looks into the good things that we do for other people. If we want to be listed in the book of life, we should be helpful to other people, be patient, ask for forgiveness, repent, forgive those enemies, share your blessings, act righteously, be courteous to one another, succeed His righteous path, and trust in the Lord.

Holiday Season: Christmas Lights, Decorations And More

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